Monday, 2 June 2014

Reactions on return

After a horrifying two hour experience mid-air, the flight finally landed at Hyderabad International Airport amidst showers and winds. But monsoon is not in yet, the day temperature rose up to 44C.
On reaching home, the first reactions - Tanned! Lost weight - indeed yes, delta = 6Kgs :)) 
Unpacked and this time fewer clothes for the laundry. Feeling nostalgic already while I'm browsing through the pictures :))


  1. Good to hear you arrived home OK, but what was the terrible experience mid-air?

  2. When we were about 2kms and 1000 ft above Hyderabad, the plane suddenly started shaking intensely and people started screaming and hugging each other. We could see the runway, but didnt land. In a few seconds we were 105 Kms away and at 9000 ft. Puking, shouting, screaming, crying in the plane :) The captain mentioned that there was heavy turbulence due to bad weather, and finally we landed at 04:30AM as against the scheduled time of 02:30AM. It was definitely scary and some of us actually tried to switch on mobile phones and started calling home :))))
