Monday, 19 May 2014

Mid-Term Review Already

Mid-Term review - indicating that we are only 2 weeks away from the completion of the 4 week assignment. After some late night work yesterday, we put things together on what we plan to deliver and recommend in the next 2 weeks. The meeting was attended by the CEO and members from all the departments of WEF. 
Happy that everything is going as required. Was good to get some feedback and hints on what might be expected for the final presentation. The meeting was followed by a long work day, brainstorming and beginning to pen down the recommendations. Tuesday is going to be another long day with work sessions on creating reports, refining the data gathered and lots more. Rainy evening, seated in the balcony, chewing the amazing Karl Fazer Chocolates (Thanks to Heli) and publishing this post, before I hit the bed. #ibmcsc Kenya
Post the Mid-Term Review

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