Saturday, 19 April 2014

Tick Tock Twelve

Kenya 8 - The Team - 15 of us, representing 12 different nationalities. Our first virtual meeting was amazing and it was nice reading through the participant profiles. Preparatory work kicked off and was planned to extend for a period of 12 weeks starting February. Topics ranging from health, travel, logistics and safety to cultural adaptability, consulting and collaboration were discussed. Supplemented with some very good learning material and activities, the prep sessions seemed to be very helpful.
As each week wafted past, the understanding gained a new level, the preparation gained a new pace and collaboration scored a cent percent. The most awaited moment during the 12 weeks was to allow the fat injection hit my arm - The Yellow Fever Vaccine, a mandatory shot. It was hard on my body for atleast 2 weeks, but worth the little yellow booklet. Oral Polio Vaccine was also mandated for all Indian Travelers. Look up this page for more health related information if you are traveling to Kenya. Also, International SOS offers travel assistance and heath services for travelers.
The effort to be part of this program that started with the application close to an year ago, was now at the stage of finishing mandatory tasks, planning travel and doing some extensive research on various topics. The clock ticked close to 12 weeks in no time.      

Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate
The certificate is actually a booklet

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